展会时间:4月26-28日 展会地点:拉脱维亚里加Kipsala International Exhibition Centre 展会周期:一年一届 主办方:拉脱维亚、立陶宛纺织工业协会 参展产品:各类服装、服饰、面料、辅料、皮革制品、鞋类、纱线 二,2018年*27届立 陶 宛(波罗的海)纺织及服装展Baltic fashion and textile 展览时间: 10月18日-10月20日 展览地点: 立陶宛维尔纽斯国家会展中心(LITEXPO) 主办单位:立陶宛LPC公司 参展产品:各类服装、服饰、面料、辅料、皮革制品、鞋类、纱线 展会一简介: 拉脱维亚国际纺织服装展是波罗的海国家较大型的纺织及服装类展会之一,由拉脱维亚、立陶宛纺织工业协会和BTI-Floressia共同主办,展会给参展商提供了一个*有的展示平台。 2017年共计203家参展商参加此展会,主要来自于拉脱维亚、立陶宛、爱沙尼亚、波兰、乌克兰、乌兹别克斯坦、白俄罗斯、丹麦、瑞典、芬兰、大不列颠、法国、捷克共和国、德国、意大利、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、印度、突尼斯、土耳其、巴基斯坦、孟加拉和中国等24个国家,其中69%为境外参展商。为期三天的展会吸引了来自拉脱维亚、立陶宛、爱沙尼亚、瑞典、丹麦、芬兰、大不列颠、意大利、法国、荷兰和俄罗斯等国家的9800名专业观众。 ?展品范围: 一,Textile, Supplies, Design Materials纺织面料、原料及辅料 ·Woven, Non-woven and Knitted Fabrics 编织、无纺布和针织面料 ·Textile Fibers, Yarns and Threads 纺织纤维、纱线、缝纫线 ·*ing Tools, Equipment and Supplies 缝纫工具及设备 ·Textile Dyes 纺织染料 ·Home Textiles, Home Decorating and Design Fabrics 家用纺织品、装饰品及家纺面料 ·Technical Textiles and Materials 其他纺织品及纺织材料 二,Clothing, Fashion Brands and Labels 服装服饰 ·Women’s, Men’s and Children’s Clothing and Underwear 女士、男士及儿童服装或内衣 ·Women’s, Men’s and Children’s Knitwear and Sportswear 女士、男士及儿童针织衫及运动装 ·Leather and Fur Clothing, Accessories 皮革、皮毛服装及配饰 ·Workwear and Uniforms 工作服、制服 ·Designer Clothing, Bijouterie and Accessories, Online Shopping其他服装及饰品 Why to participate? 为什么参加此次展会? ? to show their services and products, ? to meet existing customers and new customers, ? to build partnerships and find sales agents, ? to explore new markets, get fresh information on fashion trends and market demand, ? to assess competitors’ offer, ? to start a new product launch or marketing campaign, ? to place orders, ? to take part in seminars and conferences on topical textile and fashion issues, ? to make new contacts at the B2B Matchmaking, ? to evaluate the latest collections at fashion shows and presentations, ? to encourage publicity and meet media representatives, ? to demonstrate their know-how.